Everyone knows what music can do to one’s personal and professional development. That’s why you must be eager to put your kid in a local music school where they can acquire excellent music education and skills. However, you may also be worried about your kid’s choice of musical instrument, like other parents. Such an emotion is understandable, as picking an instrument from endless varieties is a big step. You want your child to have a good time with music and not feel frustrated or hopeless. Here are some suggestions for kids and teens so their music-learning journey becomes exciting and fruitful.
- Piano
Most beginners opt for this when they enroll in private music instruction. One common reason is that children aged five can also start training in this. Of course, learning success depends on their comfort level with it. Some students can play simple songs and tunes faster than others. It boosts their confidence and keeps them glued to their course. They delve deeper into music studies and practice harder. If you want your kid to have a strong foundation in music reading, scales, and music theory, piano can be the way to go.
- Flute
In the woodwind family, a flute is one of the most simplistic choices compared to a clarinet, a bassoon, or an oboe. Since it is a band instrument, your child can become competent in communication and teamwork.
- Trumpet
Young children and teens may like the trumpet for its cool quotient. Due to its size, the instrument is also easy to hold. Plus, it includes three keys and a mouthpiece. Those who want to become a music star can choose this brass instrument immediately.
- Ukulele
Young students can start learning this small instrument quickly, which contains only four strings, compared to a guitar with six strings. Kids can practice music on this to gain finger dexterity. Once they become comfortable with it, the whole fun and exciting ukulele repertoire will be open for them to access. Kids can start learning this as early as five years old. Parents can also join them as students.
- Cello
The cello can be larger than the violin but can easily be managed with basic string techniques. People enjoy taking music lessons in this instrument to play different melodies and bass lines. Ensembles and orchestras often look for cellists. If you want your kid to make a career in this field, picking this instrument can be wise. Musicians can find plenty of violinists. However, cellists are fewer in number.
- Voice
The learner’s voice is his instrument, which comes free of cost. Although anyone can sing, professional instructors can familiarize a student with his voice and help him refine it for the best outcomes.
Getting into a musical instrument at an early age is always advantageous. However, some factors still deserve a little attention. You can enroll your kid in a cello or violin lesson from age four when they have developed a certain amount of finger dexterity. Mini-size instruments are available for younger kids. Piano classes can begin when they are five years of age. Seven and older kids can try viola or upright bass. For guitar lessons, an eight-year-old can be considered ready. Nevertheless, visit the local music school to ascertain whether or not your kid can join a specific musical instrument class right away.