Since November 23, 2022, an asbestos certificate has been mandatory when selling homes and buildings constructed before 2001. This requirement applies not only to homes but to all buildings built or renovated before 2001.
An asbestos certificate is also required when you inherit or are gifted a home or other building from the pre-2001 period. The certificate provides information about the presence and safety of asbestos in the building. The asbestos certificate is valid for 10 years, so if you purchase a property with an older asbestos certificate, you will need to have a new inspection at some point.
By 2032, every owner of a home or building from before 2001 will need to have a valid asbestos certificate, even if you are not selling the property. The Flemish government aims to make Flanders asbestos-safe by 2040.
What is an asbestos certificate?
An asbestos certificate is an official document that indicates whether asbestos is present in a building or part of it. The certificate is issued after an asbestos inventory and shows which materials contain asbestos and to what extent. The purpose of the certificate is to inform potential buyers about the presence of asbestos in the home and to reduce the risks of asbestos exposure.
When is an asbestos certificate mandatory?
An asbestos certificate is mandatory when:
- Selling a home or building constructed before 2001
- Gifting a home or building constructed before 2001
- For accessible structures smaller than 20 m², an asbestos certificate is not mandatory unless the total area of the structures to be transferred exceeds 20 m² or the structure is part of a larger whole.
- Currently, an asbestos certificate is not required for renting, but if the owner has one, a copy must be provided to the tenant(s).
How to obtain an asbestos certificate?
The inspection for the asbestos certificate is carried out by a certified asbestos expert. They assess the presence and condition of asbestos in the building and provide advice on possible removal.
During the inspection, the asbestos expert examines the asbestos-suspected materials, assesses their condition and risk, and advises on which materials should be removed and the removal method.
After the inspection, the asbestos expert enters all data into a digital database. OVAM then issues the asbestos certificate based on this data, which the expert provides to you.
The most cost-effective way to obtain an asbestos certificate for your home is to request multiple quotes via Asbestattestoffertes. Through our website you can receive up to 5 free non-binding quotes from asbestos experts. You choose which quote and expert you proceed with.
Future obligations
From 2032, an asbestos certificate will be mandatory for any accessible structure built before 2001 that you own, even if you have no plans to transfer it.
In summary, whether you are selling or being gifted a home, apartment, or other building from before 2001, a valid asbestos certificate has been mandatory since November 23, 2022. Therefore, timely contact with a certified asbestos expert to inspect your property is essential.